Matthew 24-22. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would have been saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. That is an interesting statement.
We saw during the Cold War that the threat of total annihilation was spoken about freely. The idea was that a nuclear war would create a winter from the pollution in the air. That radiation would cause deformities. This was just propaganda, as neither the radiation nor the smoke from burning cities were capable of doing that. Sure, life as we knew it would no longer exist, but mankind would be far from wiped out. This scripture says that no one will survive. It cannot be a nuclear conflict. What other candidates are there?
Chemical warfare.
We know this as “nerve gas"-type weapons. These gases can be mind-bogglingly deadly. The infamous Novichok nerve agent would only take a few particles to kill its victim. When the case arose in the UK, where Novichok was used to poison the Skripals, it did not work. They survived; Mr. Putin's response was, "No one survives Novichok". When you spray an area with this type of chemical, everything dies. Not only now but for a long time into the future. While it has the potential to kill everyone, it will also kill the user. The amount would still have to be considerable to cover the world and provide absolutely no benefit to the user. I just cannot see anyone using it.
Germ warfare.
Even though germ warfare is the stuff of great movies, it was apparent in the 1990s that it would not work. The faster a germ spread and the more virulent it was, the faster it mutated. The more they manipulated the DNA, the harder it was to make it infectious. Most countries gave up on this years ago; it does not work and never will. What they have been working on is artificial germs made of nanotechnology. The old idea of an anthrax-type weapon is long dead. Graphene oxide nanoparticles and quantum crystals. These are self-assembling electronics that can receive signals through the 5G network. This is what has been injected into everybody with the COVID-19 vaccines. People who have been vaccinated are now shedding not only the spike protein but also these nanoparticles. People around them who are unvaccinated are having blood tests with nanoparticles showing up. It is also showing up in the pets of people who have been vaccinated. Like the spike proteins, they do not seem to know when to stop. This was the problem that caused every reported experiment on animals to have a 100% death rate. The spike proteins do not turn off, and now it looks as if the nanoparticles will not turn off. While the spiked protein you catch is just not good for your health, you can fight it off. Once the nanoparticles start to self assemble in the new person, they will eventually take over. This is going to kill every living creature on the planet, and it has already been set in place.
Nanotechnology has very little history to it. All of a sudden, this has just leapt onto the stage, and it is profoundly complicated. The whole business is very suspicious. Satan has always loved to have his worshippers, but he knows there is no time left. These people working on this project think they are just numbering, or, at worst, trying to connect us up to the internet through this technology. But connecting us to the internet cannot work. Much of our cognitive reasoning comes from our attached spirit, which cannot be influenced that way. Satan knows that, so his plans are different. He knows that this self-assembling nanotech is going to kill everything. That will throw vast numbers into the pit, where he can rule over them. He had an objective to kill everyone, and he has achieved it. That is how much he hates God.
When, on the Day of the Lord, God’s army sweeps the world and everything behind it is burned, they are destroying this nanotechnology.
There may be some weapons that are not known to the public yet. I am assuming not.
This is if man causes the extinction of everybody. It could just be referring to the calamities of the tribulation. The earthquakes, volcanos, meteors, and the poisoning of the sun. If these did not stop, everyone would die.
24 says, "And there will be famines and earthquakes in various
places". And Revelation says, "And he was given authority
over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, with
pestilence, and by wild beasts of the earth." Matthew adds
earthquakes to the equation. We will start with earthquakes. The
number of earthquakes has been reasonably consistent over the
decades. With around 1500 a year over 4 on the Richter scale. In the
sixties, that amount doubled to 3000. The seventies saw 6,000, the
eighties saw 12000, the nineties saw 24000, the two thousands saw
48000, and the last decade has seen over 100,000. This fits the
pattern that each of these riders went out forty years apart. The
same patterns can be seen in disastrous weather patterns that cause
famine in many places. The pictures of starving people bursting onto
our TV screens in untold megapixels mainly come from Africa, but this
has been a worldwide pattern. They call it climate change, and it is
man-made. It is man-made, alright, by man's wicked behaviour and the
impending judgement.
The pale rider is Death, followed by Hades.
Death and Hades are the names of the most important angels and beasts
in Sheol. Sheol appears to be divided into three regions. The closest
to us is Hades, who also gives his name to the place. The next level
is Death, and the lowest is the bottomless pit, where Abaddon reigns
and his name is sometimes given to it. The bottomless pit is for
Fallen Angels. Later on, in Revelations, it says that Hades, Death,
and the sea give up their dead for the final judgement of men.
Abaddon is not mentioned. Angels and all those other spiritual
creatures have judgements they will have to face.
17:26–27 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the
days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying
and being given in marriage until the day when Noah entered the ark,
and the flood came and destroyed them all. Life will appear to be
normal for those who have not awakened. No giants, Nephilim, or
spaceships. You may find that demonic spirits are emboldened, but
that will be all. But that is a story for another time.
The Pale
Green rider and the colour sorrel, a yellow/green, are interesting,
and their relationship is with a quarter of the world's population.
Muslims are the only defined group that forms a quarter of the
world's population. The African countries being hit time and again
with droughts are Muslim countries or parts of countries that are
Muslim. The national colour of Islam is green. Green is on many flags
of Islamic countries. Muammar Gadaffi once described the struggle
between Muslim countries and the West as the battle between the white
and the green. In 1964, the Arab League was set up, which quickly led
to the 1967 Israeli war. A disaster for them. There has been
increasing violence ever since. With a great increase over the last
decade with the Obama Wars. (Arab Spring).
If it is not a
particular group of people but people in general, then pestilence is
the most likely cause of death for those many people. That they are
to kill 25% of all people. Germ warfare became popular with the
Germans in World War II. Without much success. In 1964, they started
work on the Corona Vax , primarily as a vaccine but also as a weapon.
The first MNRA vaccines were patented in 1990. By 1998, it was
announced that these types of vaccines did not work. In 2002, the
virus was included in the first mRNA vaccine patent. The patent was
called "an infectious, replication-defective clone”. That is a
name straight out of a horror movie. Within one year, we had the
first SARS outbreak. In 2005, the vaccine was classified as a
"biotech technology and a bio-weapon enabling agent. Using
official records through Dr. Faucci's office. Only 5 million was
spent at Wuhan of the billions spent on these experiments. It makes
you think they were being set up as a scapegoat. If the pestilence
is, the vaccine for COVID-19. In the first year, deaths from all
causes were up 35% on average across the world. The second year shows
that all-cause death is up three times that. If it triples each year,
then by 2027, around 25% of the world's population will be dead. Also
in 1964 we saw the introduction of the Measles vaccine. Follow by the
mumps, rubella and chicken pox vaccines. These are not viruses. When
you get to a certain age, 7 to 12, your body goes through changes as
it prepares for adulthood. When a child body has these hormonal
changes, it is these hormones that cause the reaction in other
children. When you suppress this natural function, you restrict your
body's ability to heal itself throughout your entire life. This has
certainly caused the early death of billions of people. Since the
introduction of these vaccines, cancer rates have risen through the
he is very active, the last thing he, Death, has to do is kill 25% of
the world's population. A job for Death and Hades. That's about 1.9
billion, given that he has already killed about a couple of hundred
millions, which leaves 1.6 to 1.7 billion. That is an event that is
going to change everything. One of the vaccines. Take your pick. The
main pusher of these vaccines is a company called Pfizer. Backwards
Rezifp. Resheph was the Egyptain God of plague. Another interesting point is Pfizer and its beginings. Charles Pfizer, a German< set up his first factory in the USA in 1849. He left Germany and moved to the USA in 1844. Maybe all the riders started in someway in 1844.